Follow up to the last
Guess what, dude? I was right. You will never see me, get me, know me, blank me because you don't like me. It's not that one of us was dense. It was that I thought too much of this screwed-up I-don't-know-what-to-call-it-dash-ship I had with you and I thought I had a chance. Sorry. My bad.
Guess what, dude? You won't even get to read this. If you do, you won't even think it's you. Because you don't think too much. Not like me. Because you think normally and you are a guy and the bundle of nerve fibers that connect the left and right lobes of your brain are not as thick as mine. Maybe your skull has a chance though.
Guess what, dude? I don't know if I'm such a sick and confused piece of crap floating in this great cesspool, but some infinitesimal part of me wants a retraction of what I previously said. Because maybe I still like you after all, and I just want to make myself believe that I don't because it hurts less.
Guess what, dude? I AM sick. I'm devoting time, space, and brain cells for this stupid entry you won't even read. Nor understand. Guess what? I don't really care. Because I want to be selfish for once and not think about what you might or might not say. And I want to call you all sorts of names and you probably won't understand why I did. I am sick and angry. Angry at myself for being such a damn masochist chasing after you even though it's clear you will never cast your eye on me. Or any part of your body for that matter.
I'll stop. I'll stop now. I am tired, hungry, and sick of this. There is a coup going on and what am I doing? Hahahahaha.