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Sachi's Blog For English Speakers

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Wah, syet. Paalis na kami. Mwah mwah mwah!!! Sorry pero mga January na yung mga pics ng carolfest courtesy of lui more. La net dun eh, alangan naman na maki-net kami sa munisipyo para lang magpost ng pics. Funny yun.

Mami-miss namin kayo. Maligayang Pasko!!!!!!

My Last Night (and a P.S.)

Tonight is the last night I will spend in Manila. The last night I will tap my fingers against this cafe keyboard. The last night I will sleep in my bed beside my sister and Aslan. The last night I will see my family for this year.

Tomorrow, we go to Capul, Samar to do fieldwork for Anthro 197. We will spend three weeks there, meaning we'll be there on Christmas and New Year's and Gale's birthday. I might not be able to text everyone, sorry. No net there. I am thus sending my Christmas greetings in advance.


Mum, sorry for the big deal of cash you spend on me. And it's Christmas, no less. Sorry. I won't get eaten by sharks, hopefully.

P.S. Hey. I don't recognize you anymore. I find it difficult to ____ to you because I don't feel like I still know you. And damn, I still recognize my first real crush from elementary, so not recognizing you (whom I have known fairly recently) IS quite a big deal. Do you still remember me? Wow.It hurts a little. But I'm being unfair. I'm saying all sorts of things here and you don't know it and have no chance to retaliate or something. Do I have to apologize? I don't know. Sorry, just in case.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Things you might not know about me (Part 3)

1.) I talk to myself aloud in a weird mix of Tagalog, English, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Bajau and French. When using English, my accent is British-y. Haha, who cares? It's only me who hears. But I find it strange.

2.) I suck at soprano.


Something to laugh about. Haha. I no good soprano. Totally ruined our piece. Huge apologies the size of the fast-melting icebergs on the Pole. Haha. Maybe also we barely had practice? Or maybe because we weren't feeling particularly Christmas-y? Maybe because of certain reasons we've talked about earlier? Anyway, no excuses.

Haha. Thought for the day. The quickest way to forget/let go/move on/WHATEVER is anger. I learned that the hard way. It's not the easiest, nor the best (not by a long shot), but it's like lubricant (oh, you are so thinking THINGS -.-'), making the process of WHATEVER-ing faster. Well, not quite, since anger doesn't make things smooth. But anyway, like all quick remedies, it's not really permanent nor that effective. We find sooner or later that anger is stupid, and unless pride steps in and enables one to hold grudges --ahem ahem-- well, you know.

Monday, December 03, 2007

No Good

Yesterday was one of the bluest days of my life so far. Yeah, how original, damn it. But seriously.

1.) I left my phone at home.

2.) My friend's father died and it was my professor who told me.

3.) I wasn't able to attend basketball class again.

4.) I left my shirt for my cheerleading class and I need it for my attendance at the Pag-iilaw Dance Concert. (P.S. Thanks for the shirt, Sierra! ^_^)

5.) My bag almost got snatched while I was on my way home. Go to hell, asshole, my bag is snatch-proof, you em-effer!

6.) I am so not photogenic. (Got my contact prints and they are no good.)