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Sachi's Blog For English Speakers

Monday, July 10, 2006

On English and why I started this blog.

Since I started my blog, Diyosang Ungas ( http://diyosangungas.blogspot.com ), my English has become a little rusty. I'm suddenly writing my most private English Not that I totally dislike it, because it means my Tagalog (my first language) is extremely healthy (or not...), but English is a language I'd rather not let go of. And frankly, with all the languages I'm learning simultaneously, it's quite difficult to keep it.

For one thing, it inclined me towards writing. I wrote my first journals in English. I wrote my first poems and stories in English. I love wielding the rich English vocabulary, but I understand that many cultural concepts cannot be translated directly into English. Nevertheless, English provides me with a good "breeding ground" for thought.

English also helped me establish new networks. I met new friends and in the process, discovered new cultures. It's just a little ironic that in the six months I worked as a tutor, I almost lost all my 'natural' English capacities. ^_^ Well, it doesn't help that, as I said, I'm learning 2 languages at the same time, and that I haven't reconnected with my fic-writing.

(Gah, I have to have my own computer. >.<)

Who said that "Learning a new language is living a new life"? Gaaaaah! I totally forgot, and I just took Linguistics 110 last semester. >.<

Anyway, I started this blog for mundane reasons actually k k k. I need not state them, because I'd reveal a lot more in doing so, and I'd rather not. ^_^ Sorry.

Anyway again, enjoy. I hope I can manage 2 blogs.

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