On Hongo Kanata
I first saw Hongo Kanata in his role as the young Sho (the older Sho being played by my darling Gackt) in the movie Moonchild. My first impression then was amazement at his resemblance to my darling, and so I wondered if he would continue to look like like my love Gackt even past puberty.
And true enough, he still does. Damn. Still effing cute, but Gackt-y anyway, especially in his role as Echizen Ryoma in the Prince of Tennis Movie (which also stars Yuu Shirota my other love). I haven't seen Nana 2, where he replaces Matsuyama Kenichi as Shin, but looking at the pictures, well, there's still the cute little Gackt there.
I'm afraid I'm being unfair to him. But I can't help it. It really fascinates me how much he looks like Gackt. Even some facial expressions. Goodness, I hyperventilate.