Ahoy! Belated greetings and apologies and whatnot aside, I'm sort of back in Manila. It still feels strange to breathe in unsalty air. My fingers and nonexistent brain are on vacation after three weeks of semi-fieldwork in Capul, Northern Samar. And I do regret not being able to fully learn the language, and I am sure the previous batch of Capul fieldschoolers will forever tease us for not being able to. To say the least.
Anyway, as always, listing time.
I will miss:
- the sea greeting me every morning
- writing (delayed) field notes
- hearing the sea
- the pebble shores
- Honda trips to the bungto
- the somatometry
- budles (tuna) every other day
- squid every other day
- burugkas
- Timon-timon views
- Shetland (ahoy Cyril!)
- NW 01-12
- Dioning's big store
- Sparkle
- Lookalikes (Jessie, Lilo, Marky Cielo...)
- Evergreen and Sexy (*shudder*) and Little Boy Blue, aka THE NEIGHBORS
- octopus wiring
- planetarium meteor garden
- chepar, inggitero frog, kadayaan, yahwn!, chepar chepar chepar
- Peggy (RIP)
- Tootsie, the fluffy white puppy with pink highlights (RIP)
- Mana and Mano
- Mahalap ____ (chepar)
- kapno and samong
- Muro Puro
- Parola
- Ate Bikah!
- Free videoke unlimited (from 6-10pm lang)
- long lashes
- candlelit sessions
- field note sessions
- bull session
- chismisan sessions
- panghuhula sessions
- sugarol sessions
- dreffey, cyrus ryan
- white kulangot
Wish we could go back.
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