Screw you, perfect attendance.
Payday yesterday. NOT HAPPY.
This freaking attendance incentive scheme is bullshit. It does not excourage you to try harder when you've made a mistake, but rather makes you feel like you can continue making mistakes, as the penalty is pretty much the same. Yeah, it's the freaking same.
I don't ra-damned understand this scheme. Well, nobody does. And that's what makes it bullshit. They keep changing it and changing it and it becomes even more complicated. Fuck credit system. When you're late or absent, then, fine no/less incentive for that month. The next month, your attendance is pristine, and FUCK IT YOU'RE STILL PENALIZED FOR LAST MONTH????!!!!!
Don't be absent ever. If you don't want complications, clean up your attendance. Even if you're dying, go to work. Even if your family needs you, go to freaking work. Even if---whatever. Wow, just go to freaking work, fuck it.
Some care you're giving us.
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